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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Data on Gold - production, investments, prices, etc.

Gold as a Reserve Asset
This website provides a range of information on the gold reserves held by central banks and official institutions throughout the world, including the historical background to gold as a monetary asset and an explanation of why gold is held as a reserve asset.

Gold Investment Research
This link provides data on prices, investment statistics, supply & demand statistics, gold reserve statistics, research papers, etc.

Gold Market Knowledge Archive
This site provides access to a broad range of information regarding the gold market, its structure, operations and participants. A number of detailed documents are available for download and links are provided to a number of other sites and resources to further aid your exploration of the remarkable world of gold. For e.g. supply / demand - stocks & flows, gold pricing, liquidity, trading & markets, etc.

For more data / information on Gold, click on the following links:

- Link1

- Link2

- Link3

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