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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

International Crude oil market data

The following links provide detailed and valuable information on the international crude oil market. The links are:

> Oil price history & analysis [link]

> Oil & gas prices - Spot [link] and futures [link]

> oil rig count [link]

International Crude Oil prices and of others like natural gas, heating oil, etc.

This [link] provides daily spot prices of :

Crude Oil Spot Price - Cushing, Oklahoma

Crude Oil Spot Price - Brent

Unleaded Gasoline Spot Price - New York Harbor

Heating Oil Spot Price - New York Harbor

Natural Gas Spot Price - Henry Hub, Louisiana

Friday, June 6, 2008

Indian Natural gas data

Indian Petroleum sector data: laws and government notifications.

The following are links to the various notifications and laws governing the Indian petroleum sector.

1). Government Notifications [link]

2). Petroleum laws [link]

3). Energy related links, domestic as well as international [link]

Tax rates in the petro sector in India, subsidy computations, etc.

1 Current Excise & Custom Duty Rates on Major Petroleum Products and Crude Oil
Excise Duty on Petrol and Diesel for Delhi
3 Sales Tax Rates on Major Petroleum Products
4 Share of Duties/Taxes in Retail Price of Petrol and Diesel at Delhi
5 Contribution to the Central/ State Exchequer by Oil Sector
6 Sales Tax rates for Petrol and Diesel
7 Subsidy to consumer - Domestic LPG
Subsidy to consumer - PDS Kerosene
Comparision of Total & ex-Tax Price of Petrol & Diesel with developed countries
Under recoveries to Oil Companies on Sensitive Products
Pricing Methodology of Petrol and Diesel

International petroleum product prices.

1 International Oil Price Trends
2 Price Trends- Indian Basket of Crude oil
3 International Price Trends-Petrol
4 International Price Trends- Diesel
5 International Price Trends-SKO
6 International Price Trends-LPG
7 International Price Movements in 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
8 Monthly international prices of Indian Basket crude oil
9 Major Revisions in Retail Price at Delhi (Since 1989)
10 Relative retail prices at Delhi since 1.4.1989
11 Price revisions for Major Cities (Post APM) - Petrol
12 Price revisions for Major Cities (Post APM) - Diesel
13 Retail Selling Price Comparison with Neighbouring Countries

Indian Petroleum Sector (current year statistics)

Sl. No


1 Indigenous Production of Petroleum Products
2 Consumption of Petroleum Products
3 Crude Processing
4 Import/ Export of Crude & Petroleum Products
5 Import/ Export of Crude & Petroleum Products (MonthWise)

Indian Petroleum Sector Statistics (Petroleum Planning & ANalysis cell)

1 Consumption of Petroleum Products
2 Installed Refining Capacity
3 Crude Processing
4 Product Movement by Pipeline
5 Indigenous Production of Products (product wise)
6 Indigenous Production of Products (source wise)
7 Import/ Export of Crude & Petroleum Products
8 Import/ Export of Crude & Petroleum Products - Monthwise
9 Statewise Retail outlets
10 Statewise SKO/ LDO dealerships
11 Statewise LPG Distributors
12 Statewise LPG Bottling Capacity
13 CNG Activities in India as on 1.4.2007
14 Major end use of Petroleum Products
15 International Price Trends
16 Tax rates on major Petroleum Products as on 1.3.2006

International Commodity prices data - World Bank's Pink Sheet.

The World Bank releases this comprehensive price list every month. Here's the [link].

The image below will give u an idea of how comprehensive this information is.

The only hitch with this data is its datedness. It comes with a lag of more than a month. In today's fast-paced financial markets, that's really really old data. But, nevertheless, it offers some utility, or so i think.